Putting one Bumblefoot in front of the other with Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal

Discover Punk’s Dark Roots with Helltrain

Discover Punk’s Dark Roots with Helltrain Dive into the wild world of Swedish punk with Pierre Tornkvist from Helltrain! Growing up in a dark, snowy mountain town, Pierre shares tales of tape trading, punk rock discovery, and the magic of Myspace connections. We...
Putting one Bumblefoot in front of the other with Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal

Military Rock Secrets with Clozure?

https://www.cmspn.com/podcast-player/5776/military-rock-secrets-with-clozure.m4aMilitary Rock Secrets with Clozure? In this episode, we dive deep into the edgy world of Clozure, exploring their military roots, the hot Albanian language, and their bizarre crush on The...
Putting one Bumblefoot in front of the other with Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal

From Injury to Rock Star: Sierra Pilot’s Story?

https://www.cmspn.com/podcast-player/5688/from-injury-to-rock-star-sierra-pilots-story.m4aFrom Injury to Rock Star: Sierra Pilot’s Story? Sierra Pilot talks road trips, addiction, and music. BUY MUSIC FROM SIERRA PILOT – https://amzn.to/40kW0jb NOTE:...